14th Biennial HAAS Conference
America Beyond Crisis: Regeneration, Coping, Healing

May 24-25, 2024

University of Szeged
Department of American Studies




The HAAS 2024 conference invites contributions that address diverse modes and narratives of moving beyond crisis in American culture. The presentations are to explore the possible uses of dialogue, negotiation, coping mechanisms, mobility or hybridisation in various attempts to tackle senses of crisis, ambiguity, and various forms of cultural, political, social, linguistic, mental, affective, moral disorder represented by cultural forms within the contexts of transnational American Studies. The general aim is to further explore the ways methodologies in the humanities may diagnose, process, and proactively prevent the cultural experience of crisis in diverse transnational American contexts. Scholars and PhD students from various fields including literature, history, social and cultural studies, visual culture, politics, applied linguistics, etc. are encouraged to offer their critical insights on any aspect of crisis and regeneration in American culture.

  • narratives of crisis
  • visualizations of crisis and beyond
  • genres of crisis and regeneration
  • autobiography and regeneration
  • displacement and migration as possible ways of regeneration
  • activism, solidarity, consciousness-raising and crisis management
  • the ethics of crisis management
  • hybridization and healing
  • climate change, climate crisis
  • gendered perspectives on coping
  • economics of regeneration
  • crisis as an opportunity

Abstracts should be submitted to our website between November 20, 2023 and February 15, 2024. Submitters will receive notification of acceptance by March 15, 2024.
The conference will be arranged as an onsite conference at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the University of Szeged (Szeged, Egyetem u 2).
Conference proceeding are to be published by Americana Ebooks.

For presentations, an abstract of around 250 words (in English) and a short bio of 80 words should be uploaded at the end of the registration form (deadline passed).

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 15, 2024. Contact info: haas2024@ieas-szeged.hu

Registration fee

  • HAAS members: 14,000 HUF or 35 EUR
  • Non-HAAS members: 16,000 HUF or 40 EUR
  • Ph.D. students: 10,000 HUF or 25 EUR
  • Auditors: 2000 HUF 5 EUR

Please transfer your payment to the account of the Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS) with your name and “HAAS 2024 conference” and your name clearly indicated in the “notice” box.

Name and address of bank: OTP BANK HUNGARY, Nádor Street 16. Budapest, Hungary H-1051
Bank account number: 11707024-20400268-00000000
IBAN code: HU09 1170 7024 2040 0268 0000 0000
Bank account holder: Amerikanisták Magyarországi Társasága (HAAS) H-4032
Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.

Please note that the cost of the bank transfer is at your side.

Travel information

If you arrive to Hungary from abroad, here are some useful tips on how to get to Szeged from Budapest / the airport.

Accommodation information

If you need to book rooms for your stay, we recommend to do it well ahead as the city of Szeged is home to a variety of national and international events during the spring-summer season. The venue of the conference is very close to the center, so you may want to look for available accomodation in the vicinity for your convenience. Here are some lists of potential booking options:

Our conference sponsors

  • The Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Szeged
  • The Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged
  • The Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Tourinform, Szeged
  • Szeged City Hall

Organizing Committee

Zoltán Dragon (head), Ágnes Zsófia Kovács, Zoltán Vajda


Irén Annus, Réka M. Cristian, Zsófia Anna Tóth


Armin Stefanovic, Bálint Szántó, Olga Kajtár-Pinjung, Helga Szabó, Amira Rihab Saidi, Clara Amoun, Dóra Varga, Michael Collins, Máté Eperjesi, Lubana Mahmoud, Meriem Oustani