AMERICANA eBooks proudly presents Zénó Vernyik’s Cities of Saviors. Urban Space in E. E. Cummings’ Complete Poems, 1904-1962 and Peter Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor in ebook (mobi & epub) and print-on-demand formats. Cities of Saviors is a short study of the urban spaces of E. E. Cummings’ poetry and Peter Ackroyd’s seminal novel, Hawksmoor, a bold and important step forward for Cummings criticism on an international scale. Although at first sight a comparison of these two authors might seem surprising, the analysis offered by this new book shows that such a reading can be revelatory for the understanding of both authors. Relying on close readings informed by the spatial theories of Mircea Eliade, Michel Foucault and Gaston Bachelard, it sheds light on a common understanding of space: one that is immersed in a dark sacrality. By doing so, it also radically reinterprets the oeuvre of both authors, in that it positions Cummings away from the accepted image of the neo-Romantic poet of transcendence and situates Ackroyd in the continuing tradition of (late) Modernism.
Cities of Saviors – new AMERICANA eBooks release