“Radical (Dis)Engagement: State-Society-Religion” – Graz International Summer School Seggau 2019

What is this Summer Scool about?

The next year’s Graz International Summer School Seggau 2019 is titled “Radical (Dis)Engagement: State-Society-Religion.” The Curriculum might be useful for curricula committees in order to pre-approve the program for direct credit transfer, or perhaps for students to identify funding possibilities at their institution or otherwise.

Here some aspects, which might help in these efforts:

GUSEGG adds opportunities for students to experience an international academic learning environment in just two weeks.

• This program offers an intercultural space and provides both academic as well as professional development opportunities.

• The added value is that it is an academic immersive experience.

• Credits can be earned that go towards a degree.

• The program is meant for students of all levels and various disciplines.

Additional Opportunities for Graduate Students

For graduate and PhD students at the summer school, we established a book publication to offer such students in terms of early academic career a more visible “outcome”: Off Campus: Seggau School of Thought (University of Graz Press).

During the summer school, students are also invited to present their research at a poster presentation session.

The most important information

1. Course Syllabi: Possibility for pre-approval through curricula committees and/or establishing a short-term faculty-led program.

2. Budget: € 1.500/ student (covering all costs for accommodation and meals, tuition, and extras), CEEPUS students pay only € 120.

3. Program Date: June 30-July 13, 2019

4. The GUSEGG website: https://international.uni-graz.at/en/stud/int-focus/summerschools/gusegg-summerschool/

GUSEGG Trailer