
Annus, Irén | iannus@lit.u-szeged.hu | website
Associate Professor
Fields of research & supervision: American art, religion, gender, race and ethnicity, as well as identity theories.

Cristian, Réka M. | cristian@lit.u-szeged.hu | website
Associate Professor
Fields of research & supervision: Theories of American studies, modern American drama and American modernism, the American film (film theory, adaptations, auteur theories, postcolonialism and the Third Cinema, gender and film), body semiotics in American culture, and cross-cultural exchanges of the Americas in American literature and film..

Dragon, Zoltán (Head of Department) | dragon@ieas-szeged.hu | website
Associate Professor
Fields of research & supervision: Film theory, film adaptation, contemporary visual culture, photography, psychoanalytic theories, digital culture & theory, contemporary US fiction.

Kovács, Ágnes Zsófia | akovacs@lit.u-szeged.hu | website
Associate Professor
Fields of research & supervision: American fiction, multiculturalism in American literature, popular culture, theories of narratives

Tóth, Zsófia Anna | tothzsofianna@gmail.com, tothzsof@lit.u-szeged.hu | website
Senior Assistant Professor
Fields of research & supervision: 19th century American literature, American women writers, The New Woman, Gender and literature, American cinema, Early American film history, Violence in film, Gender and film, Cultural studies, Gender and American visual culture

Vajda, Zoltán | vajda@lit.u-szeged.hu | website
Associate Professor
Fields of research: 18th and 19th century American intellectual history
Supervision: Antebellum Southern Culture, 19th century US history, Cultural studies